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My watch not having leap year function so I may have broken it. Along with it being the apparent choice of terrorists, maybe I should buy a new watch.

Difficulty shopping

Diet clearly impossible

Cheap clothes at Primark – cheaper than txmaxx!

Kids playing table tennis with free McDonalds balloons – they took away the bats and balls cos ppl nicked them, so all that’s left is the tables (cant really nick them)

Went to the library – run out of Tolkien books. But I’ve read them all anyway. I just wanted to see them on display out of some vicarious motive. History section right on the other side of the shop from fantasy. I beg.

Went to the book shop. Hardbacks really are expensive. You either must be really impatient or rich to buy them. I was going to look at some Neal Asher books but some guy in a wheelchair blocked the aisle. One of the perks I guess.

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